Pocket Farm Magazine Poultry, Page 2

Preventing egg laying problems in older hens with implants


As hens get older they have a tendency to develop problems when laying eggs. As they approach the end of lay stage shells may begin to display full or partial wrinkling. This is caused by reduced elasticity of the tubes which the eggs travel down as ...

Breed Focus: True Bantams

Rosecomb bantam hens black

While many breeds have bantam varieties true bantams are naturally small breeds that have no large fowl counterpart. There are many true bantam breeds and those below represent a good cross-section and display a wide range of differing characteristics, appearance and temperaments. Small ...

Show offs: essentials of poultry showing for beginners

Judging at a poultry show

Showing adds an extra dimension to poultry keeping outside of the supply of eggs and/or meat or pet elements that may be your first motivation. It can be a bit daunting for the newcomer but although there are rules and protocols to follow, as you ...

The broody blues: dealing with a broody hen

Broody Hen

In the natural cycle of life a hen lays eggs, hatches them and raises the chicks until they are about eight weeks old when she will abandon them. Broodiness is a perfectly natural, hormone induced, instinct in any laying hen. However, unless you are ...

Essential guides: humane poultry dispatch

Pocket Farm Guides Logo

Covering such a taboo subject is always very difficult but at Pocket Farm we believe that it would be irresponsible not to include some guidance on this sensitive subject. Dispatch of your birds will always be hugely emotive but the fact is, as a ...

Breed focus: Russian Orloff

Black male Russian Orloff

Until recently the Russian Orloff chicken was a rare and endangered breed but, thanks largely to the efforts of the Russian Orloff Society in the UK, is now no longer rare and is classed as a soft feather heavy bird. Formally known as the ...

Hypothermia and frostbite in chickens and ducks

Chickens in the snow - frostbite and hypothermia

Taking care of chickens and ducks during winter has already been covered as a subject but how many readers realise that they can actually suffer from hypothermia and frostbite? Hypothermia Some chickens, particularly youngsters who are not used to ...


Helping free range chickens cope with the cold

Chickens on a cold wet day

With a New Year just around the corner, chicken keepers know that temperatures are going to drop; with the usual wind and rain of autumn and early winter soon to be accompanied by an icy chill. This decline in temperature usually witnesses some ...


Poultry health directory – An A-Z of disease and illness

Healthy chicken

Much as we would prefer our poultry to remain healthy all of the time there will inevitably be times when they fall ill. Quick identification and treatment can literally mean the difference between life and death so Pocket Farm is compiling its own ...

Guide to wing clipping for chickens

Wing clipping guide

Wing clipping, if done properly, is a harmless method of preventing your chickens flying if they are predisposed to escaping an allotted area. It is used if they are likely to venture in to neighbouring areas where they are not welcome or it is ...

Breed focus: Helmeted Guinea Fowl (Pintade)

Helmeted Guinea Fowl

Guinea fowl originate from Africa where there are several wild species including ones that are vulture like in appearance; however, it is the Helmeted Guinea fowl that is domesticated and kept in this country. Within the breed there is a huge range ...

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