Pocket Farm Magazine Other Livestock

An introduction to beekeeping

Honey bees at them entrance to their hive

Beekeeping is a fascinating craft that can be started by anyone at almost any time of life providing a few sensible facts are considered. As a hobby, one or two hives in the back garden is as much as many wish to manage but it can also be built up ...

Beginning back garden beekeeping

Checking for honey in the supers

My interest in bees started at an early age. One of my childhood memories is of being stung by a bee on a train on the way to the beach with my grandma. I had crossed my ankles and trapped a bee and apart from the shock and pain, quickly learned that ...

Take a closer llook at llamas

Llama herd at Llama Land in Cornwall

Llamas are a South American camelid and the domesticated form of the guanaco which live in the Andian areas of Peru, Bolivia and Chile. Other members of the family include the larger Middle-Eastern or African camels and their smaller South American cousins, alpacas and vicuñas. Llamas were ...

Small-scale rabbit farming for meat

Californian White rabbit - a popular meat variety

Here at Pocket Farm we believe that rabbits are one of the most versatile yet underused livestock resources by the smallholders of this country. While they are farmed extensively in many other areas of the world they are almost entirely ignored in this country. Is this because they are more ...

Keeping Angora rabbits for fibre

Show winning giant Angora

In this country rabbits are generally considered to be a childrens” pet and for many they are the first real experience of caring for an animal. However, there are also certain breeds that are farmed either for meat or, as this article discusses, for their extraordinarily warm and soft ’wool’. ...