Pocket Farm Magazine Growing, Page 3

Five unusual and versatile vegetables to grow this spring

Vegetabes growing in raised beds

While the majority of allotments and vegetable patches are dedicated to the tried-and-tested fruit and veg, it’s always fun to add a bit of variety and try your hand at growing something completely new. Here is our pick of the best unusual veg to grow this season. ...

Growers’ Yearbook – January

Freshly picked cabbage

January is a cold month but when the ground starts to thaw out there is plenty to be getting on with in the garden. It’s a time to get excited about the year to come, it’s a time to plan what you’re going to plant this year. It might sound obvious but only grow ...


Planting bare-root or container grown fruit trees

Pear tree

When selecting a tree be sure to choose one with the correct size rootstock for your plot. As a guide M27 rootstock will grow to about 2m tall, M9 2-3m, M26 3-4m while M25 is a full size orchard tree. Also remember that trees can be self-fertilising, ...

Cultivating chaos and creative disorder

Allotment shed

We received a letter from our allotment council recently. Apparently they considered it untidy, covered in weeds, unsightly. This letter came not long after the draft EU seed law reared its ugly head, proposing a ban on the sale or exchange of any ...

Are you over watering? Five ways to save water and make your vegetables more resilient

Watering transplanted seedlings

As the temperatures rise and the sun starts to grace us with its presence the temptation is to get out in the garden of an evening and drench everything in sight but ...


Edible gardening in a small spaces

Garden herbs

With so much focus these days on sustainable living and fresh, home grown food, edible gardening has become incredibly popular. But what if you don”t have an allotment or even a large amount of garden to devote to fruit and vegetables? Well all is not lost ...

Dig vs no-dig gardening

No-dig Gardenng

We frequently see people digging on their allotments. Digging is synonymous with gardening, and double-digging is a standard gardening technique. It is the gardeners’ equivalent of ploughing, and the principle is the same: you get an explosion of nutrients as you add organic matter ...

Garden Diary: March

Garden Diary March

Move evergreen shrubs. Now that the soil is warming up and the shrubs will be starting to grow they will lose less water and re establish quickly. If not already done in November cut back rose bushes by about one third – removing any dead, ...

Garden Diary: February

Garden diary february

February can be a difficult month with the ground vacillating between solid and sodden. Your mind may be on the vegetable patch but there are a few tasks in the garden before the flurry of activity that is just around the corner… is it really ...

Spring into action: Time to get busy in the garden

Spring vegetable garden

As I write this there is still snow lingering on and the ground is still frozen solid. This doesn”t feel like a time to be out in the garden. With jobs, kids and a multitude of other things clamouring for your attention, you might struggle to ...

Garden Diary: January

Careful of hedgehogs in leaf piles

Plenty to do even at this time of year, preparation and wildlife are the main focus in ...

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