Pocket Farm Magazine Growers’ Yearbook

Growers’ yearbook December – edible hedgerows and other ideas

Robin eating fallen fruit at Christmas

This time of year there isn’t that much you can do in the garden. So now is a great time to study seed catalogues, locate nurseries and plan for the year ahead in the warmth provided by your hearth. You can build walls, make paths or re-design ...

Growers’ Yearbook

  1. Growers' Yearbook

Growers’ yearbook November


Winter is upon us. A time to enjoy time with friends and family. It’s the time to fix fences, build paths and repair tools or try these alternative ideas for winter days. It’s time to sit by the fire, stew bubbling away in the background, a glass of home brew in one hand a good ...

Growers’ Yearbook: October

Autumn vegetables

October is a time to get the last of your crops in, it’s the time to start lighting your fires to ward off the chill, it’s time to start making stews on the fire and enjoying the fruits of your labour. If you have grapes you can harvest ...

Growers’ Yearbook: September

Freshly dug Jerusalem artichokes

Now the nights are getting longer and the days shorter, hopefully your garden is overflowing with produce. September is the time to start getting in all the main crops and getting yourself ready for winter. It’s a good idea to sow green manure after you harvest an area to keep the number ...

Growers’ yearbook – August

Fruit leather

If all has gone well it may seem there is almost too much to pick, preserve, store or even give away at this time of year so below are a few ideas of what to do with your bounty. During August I’m normally found by my big old preserving ...

Growers’ yearbook – July

Harvesting potatoes

The summer is now upon us. It’s time to reap and preserve from the fat of the land. There’s an abundance of soft fruit to eat fresh from the plants and to preserve for winter use, be that in the form of jams, jellies, juices, fruit leather or simply plonking them in the freezer. ...

Growers’ Yearbook – June

Broad beans ripening

June is a lovely month to be out in the garden, the flowers are in bloom and you can start reaping some rewards from all your hard work. It can be dry so giving your plants lots of water is a good idea. During June there is so much to do it’s hard to keep […]


Growers’ Yearbook – May

Peach blossom

May is a busy and beautiful month in the garden or at the allotment, the bees are out collecting sweet nectar, the peas and beans are getting bigger, the birds are tweeting and the sun’s shining. It’s a real pleasure to be out in the vegetable plot. There is lots of planting, ...


Growers’ Yearbook – April

Spring fruit tree blossom

The weather is hotting up and the vegetable garden is now a busy place, getting plants into the ground and trying to keep the weeds at bay. This is the time when plants go mad if you don’t keep them in check now your vegetables will be a sorry lot. To be honest, ...


Grower’s Yearbook – March

Tomato seedlings

The daffodils are in bloom, everything is becoming green once again and our goats have given birth to their kids, so that must mean spring is here! March is a busy month, there are loads of things to be doing in the garden. The seed beds will be ...

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