Pocket Farm Directory
Berry House Veterinary Practice, Hitchin & Shefford, Herts
Tel: 01462 451500
- Chicken friendly vet with equine practice and accupuncture available
Green and Browns, Latchford, Hertfordshire
Tel: 07737 141018
- Grounds maintenance and garden services throughout Hertfordshire and beyond.
Greenlands Insurance Services Ltd, 61 Well Street, Ruthin LL15 1AG
Tel: 01824 702444
- Smallholder specific insurance packages
Hammond Vets Ltd, Stapleford, Hertfordshire
Tel: 01920 832 167
- Friendly, affordable large animal practice focusing on smallholding, farm and equine in Herftordshire, Essex and North London
Leech and Sons Butchers and Abattoir, 1 Station Road, Melbourn, Royston, Herts SG8 6DX
Tel: 01763 260255
- Traditional family butchers with a small abattoir offering a stress free environment for the animals and a high quality bespoke cutting service. Licensed for pigs from 35kg to 90kg deadweight, lambs under 12 months of age and cattle under 30 months. Certain times of year are very busy so early booking is essential but a high quality service is assured.
MC Country Services, 315 Bedford Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 0SQ
Tel: 01933 315087
- MC Country Services provide a range of paddock maintenance services including; paddock, pasture, field and ground maintenance services to small holdings and equine properties.
Mike Hewson Shearing, Market Place, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 UK
Tel: 01507 578044
- Shearing service for sheap, angoragoats and alpacas. Will travel.
Mullucks Wells, The Guild House, Water Lane, Bishop’s Stortford, Herts CM23 2JZ
Tel: 01279 755400 Email:mullucks@mullucks.co.uk
- Speacialising in all types of property including country houses, conversions and development land
Night Vision Pest Control, Hertfordshire/North London
Tel: 07794 719120 or 07825 002189 Email: nightvisionpestcontrol@gmail.com
- FREE and fully insured pest control service for vermin of any kind. Rat, rabbit, fox, squirrel, corvid, pigeon. BASC members.
Nine Lives Veterinary Centre, High Street, Redbourn, AL3 7LZ
Tel: 01582 793636
- Chicken friendly, exotics specialist.
Oasis Landscapes, Stevenage, Hertfordshire
Tel: 01438 318115 or 07958 276198
- Creating the garden you dream of to suit traditional and contempory styles.
Park Veterinary Centre, Watford
Tel: 01923 223321 Park Vets farm direct line: 01923 229300
- Pet, farm and equine practice
Roebuck Veterinary Centre, Roebuck Gate, Stevenage, Herts SG2 8HP
Tel: 01438 354599
- General practice with hospital facilities and 24 hour emergenciy call out
Royston Veterinary Centre, Royston, Herts
Tel: 01763 242221
- Friendly, family run practice offering 24 hour care for pets, farm animals and horses. Established 60 years.
Rural Scene, Estate Office, High Street, Collingbourne Ducis, Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 3EH
Tel: 01264 850700
- National specialist for smallholdings, rural and equestrain properties
Strutt and Parker (St. Albans), 34 St Peters Street, St Albans, AL1 3NA
Tel: 01727 840285
- Residential, agricultural and sporting property sales and letting. Land management services.
The Bishops Veterinary Surgery, Hatfield
Tel: 01707 272772
- Specialist in exotics, near the Galleria
Victor Pest, 8 Lands End Way, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6RF
Tel: 01572 722558
- Victor® Pest control offers a range of mouse and rat control solutions from electronic mouse traps to snap traps to help get rid of any mouse or rat infestation. Recognised as a world leader in the rodent control category, Victor® has been a trusted brand name since 1890 - so whether you are attempting to prevent a rodent infestation or trying to fight one, there is a product to fit each and every situation.
Village Vet (Cayton) Veterinary Surgery, 601 Hatfield Road, Smallford, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL4 0HL
Tel: 01727 852 667
- Chicken friendly with branches accross Herts, Cambs and London