Starting with self-sufficiency
Today it can seem unimaginable to leave everything behind and lead a more self-sufficient lifestyle. Smartphones, cars and constant food, water and energy supplies have all contributed towards an existence that is reliant upon these things every day ...

Newcastle Disease
Following recent outbreaks of Newcastle Disease (ND) in Belgium and other European countries the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) has advised that the risk of disease has increased from low to medium. All poultry and captive bird keepers are ...
Pocket Farm Store

Pocket Farm has collected some of your favourite products together in one handy online store. You can browse for books, poultry supplies and tools with more categories and products being added weekly.
Whatever you need to find, from feed to fencing, start your search in the Pocket Farm directory. Comprehensive listings for your local suppliers
Game and root vegetable stew with ground elder

A fantastic game winter warmer. Comfort food at its very best
Most recent articles
- Write for Pocketfarm 16th August, 2018
- Newcastle Disease 27th July, 2018
- Starting with self-sufficiency 5th December, 2017 , sel sufficiency
- How to Maintain Your Paddock 9th September, 2017
- Preventing egg laying problems in older hens with implants 15th March, 2017
- Chickens help Europe’s poorest families out of poverty 12th March, 2017